Suchá Belá - limestone, karst valley, mostly on a narrow rocky gorge in the Slovak Paradise in Slovakia. Length of about 4 km, the best known and most visited of roklina Slovak Paradise. Located in the northern Part of Slovak Paradise. Extends almost exactly in line from south to north. It begins in the north-western part central plateau of the Slovak Paradise at an altitude of 930 m amsl. The lower outlet is is situated at an altitude of 550 m amsl in the village Hrabušice, in the immediate vicinity of the well-known tourist center Podlesok. Through valley running down stream called Suchá Belá, who shortly after leaving the valley fell into the creek Veľká Biela voda.
25.05.2012 year we went to Slovak Paradise in Slovakia. Along the way we passed and admired the beautiful High Tatras in Slovakia, towards the town of Poprad and then to Podlesok.
nice view of Tatra mountains
beautiful view High Tatras
map of the Slovak Paradise
the beginning of the trail
so we went...
The beginning of the expedition was in Podlesok, where after parked and entrance fee, we saw information boards of trails Slovak Paradise. We chose trail towards to Suchá Belá and went in the way...
some information about Podlesok
information board
on the bridge
you have to go without support

Already at the beginning we had to go through many wooden bridges and more specifically ladders laid flat over the stream. We had to overcome it without support, which isn't, luckily for us was dry, because when the rain you can slip.
ladders to top
a small pond

Then waiting for us ladders....sometimes set upright and the relatively high, brook flows past them, so we could go and listening to the pleasant sound of the stream and admiring the beautiful gorge.
stairs to the top
on the step
...and higher...
and next ladder...
a narrow isthmus
carefully beside the brook
the top of the gorge

When we got to the top, then we headed towards Pod Vitacim Hrbom and later Klatorisko. Descent is pretty nice trail through the woods.
...and we went down
next to the monk
chapel for the wayfarer
Piękna relacja :) Niestety w Słowackim Raju nie byłem, ale może to się zmieni :(
Dzięki za fajną relację ze znajomych miejsc :) Sucha Bela jest najczęściej uczęszczaną przez turystów doliną. W ciągu dwukrotnego pobytu w Słowackim Raju udało nam się przejść wszystkie wszystkie dolinki oprócz Zajmarskiej leżącej na południu Raju. Na miejsce wypadowe polecam Hrabusice leżące około 20 minut drogi (pieszo na skróty) od Gardła Hornadu (Hrdla Hornadu), są tam tanie kwatery prywatne do wynajęcia, sklepy, na pewno taniej, jak w "kampingowym" Podlesoku.
ReplyDeletePozdrawiam, Tomek,
Byliśmy w Słowackim Raju tylko raz na Suchej Beli, ale mamy zamiar w najbliższym czasie wybrać się ponownie, bo wiemy, że jest tam dużo ciekawych miejsc. Więc dzięki wielkie za polecenie tanich noclegów:)