Sněžník 1425 m a. m. s. l. also called Śnieżnik Kłodzki, or in German: Glatzer Schneeberg (the name used in Germany) or Spieglitzer Schneeberg (the name used in Austria), Czech: Králický Sněžník - the highest peak on the Polish border in the eastern Sudeten Mountains and the Massif Śnieżnik.

plan of our trip
To the top of the Śnieżnik we decided to set off from the village Międzygórze, from where we went first blue and red trail to the shelter "PTTK Na Śnieżniku" and then the green trail to the summit.

differences in the heights
a stream flowing down from the mountain
The trail starts from the center of międzygórze, and next leads through the woods all time uphill. This way is very calm and all around us peace and quiet, you can only hear the stream flowing from the mountains.
my wife at the beginning of the trip
one of many information boards
This way is very well marked with many numbered boards on this one.
on the bridge
a path to the top
a pause next to the shelter
At an altitude of 1218 meters a. m. s. l. is situated shelter "PTTK Na Śnieżniku", where you can take shelter and eat something warm.
my wife on the bench
on the summit
That day we hadn't happiness to beautiful views, when we reached on the top it started were blowing wind and raining, so we took some quick photos and we had to climb down.
an obelisk
On the top we were alone, unfortunately views were ugly, because except blowing wind and raining was dense fog too, which obscured everything.
the summit of the Śnieżnik
The summit is situated on the hill made from stones, where from during good weather are beautiful views.
the weather was awful
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