Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Twierdza Kłodzko

Kłodzko Fortress (Twierdza Kłodzko) - the most valuable work of modern defence architecture in Poland, invites you to visit its mystery and vastness. You can see here huge bastions and chambers, and along with a guide, you can go through the underground miners' walkway. From the observation deck there is a wonderful view of Kłodzko and the whole Basin.

The Kłodzko fortifications are one of the best preserved 17th-18th century defence systems. Defencive buildings cover an area of ​​over 30 hectares, which includes the Main Fortress and an auxiliary Fort Owcza Góra on the other side of the river. Looking at the fortress from the Market Square, we can see only a small part of it. Only if you crossing the moat by and entering the fortified building you will be surprise by enormous buildings.

The fortress located on Zamkowa Góra, now called the Fortress Mountain (369 m a.m.s.l.), was built on the site of an ancient, fortified town. The castle was of great strategic importance. It was situated on the merchant route leading from the south of Europe to the north. In the chronicles of Kosmas, you can read that the Kłodzko stronghold was already in the year 981.

Over the years, the castle has transformed because that has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. From 1459, it began to perform defencive functions. During this period there was also a significant development of the area around the castle. Two boroughs were built under the castle, which were the germ of the future city.

In 1769 the castle was finally demolished and a donjon was built in its place the central defencive work of the fortress, surrounded by a chain of bastions, redoubts, tongs and internal moats.

In the donjon there are three-level casemates and warehouses with a depth of up to 20 meters. In the casemates there was an armory, a pharmacy, a laboratory and a number of rooms for the crew. In the former lower castle, bastions: Wysoki, Dolny, Widokowy, Alarmowy and Kleszcz Tumski were created. The stronghold is surrounded by dry moats with a depth of 10 meters.

The history of this fortress contains a lot of interesting and mysterious things that I can not describe here as a whole, so I invite you to explore and deepen the news about it to the Kłodzko Fortress.

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