Skalnik 945 m a.m.s.l - mountain in south-western Poland, in the Ore Mountains Janowickie (German: Erzgebirge; Czech: Krušné hory, Polish: Rudawy Janowickie).
To the peak Skalnik we went up from the village of Kowary, along the green trail, and then "Pod Skalnikiem" it combine with trails of red and yellow. Hiking to the top takes about 2.5 hours and less than 2 hours down.
mountain is the highest peak of the Ore Mountains Janowickie, clearly
separate between Bobrzak and Rudawska Passes, with average of steep
slopes, which highlight the mountain in the area.
mountain has two peaks. The Higher peak (945 m a.m.s.l), northeast
it contains the ruins of a former lookout tower (four concrete blocks on
which the tower was anchored), and tree with wooden tablet inscribed:
Skalnik 945 m asl.
On the lower peak, south-west, there
are a number of impressive rocks of fancy shapes, all of which the
highest is 935 meters above sea level called Mała Ostra (Ger.
Freie-Koppe) it contains viewing platform.
In the
woods below the rocks is a junction of hiking trails. From the viewing
point of Mała Ostra overlooking the panorama of the Giant Mountains
along the northern part of Lasockiego Ridge, Jelenia Góra Valley,
Izerskie, Wałbrzyskie Mountains, Stone Mountains, Kaczawskie mountains
and the Ore Mountains Janowickie. With good visibility can be seen
The peak belongs to the Crown of Polish Mountains and the Sudetenland Crown.
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